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Special Programs

Mrs. Tiera Bowen

Director of Special Programs

(706) 485-5381 ext: 5035


Karen Baumann/Patti Rich

Administrative Assistant

(706) 485-5381 ext. 5019


Fax: (706) 485-3707


158 Old Glenwood Springs Rd

Eatonton, GA 31024




The IDEA Parent Survey helps the state to determine parents’ perception of the success of parent engagement between the local school and themselves. 

Georgia’s parent survey is available to all families of students with disabilities


FY23 Parent Survey (Parents of Students with an (IEP)

Department of Putnam County Special Programs Announces Child Find Efforts


School systems must engage in timely and meaningful consultation with representatives of private schools and with parents about the provision of special education and related services for students attending private or home schools within the school systems’ jurisdiction. The purpose of the meeting is to share information about the District’s responsibility to provide consultation regarding: 

  • The Child Find Process
  • Determination of Proportionate Share of Funds
  • Delivery of special education services (who, how and where)
  • Plan for ongoing consultation for students eligible for special education services while enrolled in the private school or home school setting.


In accordance with Federal Law (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004), the Putnam County Charter School System will hold a public meeting on:


Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at 1:30 PM

Board of Education Office located at

158 Old Glenwood Springs Road

Eatonton, Georgia


If you have a child with a disability or a suspected disability who attends home school, private school, or you are a private school administrator in Putnam County, you are invited to attend.


For further information and/or to RSVP, please contact Tiera Bowen, Director of Special Programs, at 706-485-5381 ext. 5011 or


Our Parent Mentor works with families of students with disabilities by providing resources, tips and ideas to help parents guide students through their school career and into transition from school into adult life. She can help with any questions or concerns you may have navigating your student through our special education program.

Contact Crystal Williams or visit our Parent Mentor page for more information. 

Phone: 706-485-5141 ext. 2213 

For information on Putnam County's Gifted Program policy and procedures see the Gifted Procedure Manual.pdf

"An Introduction to English Standards and Assessments for Parents" is a three-part webinar series designed specifically for parents and families of English Language Learners in grades K-12. The series is available in English and Spanish in the Download Library on the WIDA website at:

  • Exceptional Children

Special Education Policy and Procedures

Parents Rights

Parent Rights-Spanish

  • Migrant

Contact Tiera Bowen  for more information about Migrant Services.


  • Hospital/Homebound

Contact Amy Lowery for more information about Hospital/Homebound services.

706-485-8547, ext 2010

To request Hospital/Homebound services, please complete the Hospital/Homebound Request Form and the Medical Documentation Form.  Afterwards, return to Amy Lowery.

If you have received Hospital/Homebound services, please click here to complete our survey about your experience.


  • Home School


Declaration of Intent to Home School

Annual Attendance Records

Home School Reporting

Home School Parent Letter

Information regarding Student Records

Destruction of Records of Disabled Students Putnam County Charter Schools

The Department of Special Programs announces its intention to destroy records that were developed to provide Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in Putnam County Charter School System. This notice complies with the federal, state and local policy.

Records will be destroyed on October 1, 2022, based on the following criteria:

• students with disabilities born in 1997

The destruction of data policy provides that records may be destroyed when they are no longer needed for educational planning purposes. All requests for student records must be made prior to destruction by contacting the Special Programs office at 706-485-5381 ext. 5011.

You will be required to produce identification or provide verification data to acquire these records.